% Arabica Kuwait Adailiya Drive Thru

Adailiya is located in the Al Asimah governorate of Kuwait City. It’s known for being a luxurious residential area where families can visit several beautiful mosques and the Adailiya Water Towers. Whether you’re sightseeing or on your way to work, a cup of good coffee is essential to give you a boost of energy and brighten your day.

Designed by no.10 of Nomurakougeisha, our sixth drive thru can be found in front of the Kazma Sports Club. Visible from afar, the % sign post will let you know where we are. Its white outside walls envelope a warm brick-cladded interior. Hop into one of our picnic tables modeled from the iconic Chemex glassware, or sit comfortably on our chairs fashioned in signature % fabric. In-store or drive thru, get a cup of % Arabica coffee, relax and enjoy ***